Test for Soil Drainage
If you’re not sure how well your soil drains, it’s easy to do a test. This will really help you to identify what plants and trees will do best in your yard. Keep in mind that drainage can vary in your yard depending on slopes and other factors.
To get started, you’ll need:
- Shovel
- Measuring tape or ruler
- Water
- Watch or phone
Step 1: Dig a hole that is about 12″ wide and 12″ deep with straight sides.
Step 2: Fill with water and let it completely drain.
Step 3: Fill again with water and start timer on your phone.
Evaluating the Results
The amount of time will give you the answer.
0-4 minutes: Fast-draining soil. This is common with sandy soil and/or slopes.
5-15 minutes: Good-draining soil. Lucky you.
16-60 minutes: Poorly-draining soil. This is common with clay soil.
More than 6 hours: While problematic for many plants and trees, it can be perfect for trees that grow near streams (like Cottonwood or Sycamore trees) or plants that like high moisture and boggy soil.
What can you do to change the drainage?
Drains too quickly: Add more organic material to the soil.
Drains too slow: Consider creating elevations for increased drainage.
Can wild flowers be planted in a soak area where there are drains are they likely to choke the drains
Linda, are you asking if the roots of the flowers will choke the drain?